LOCKDOWN DIVER - Diving after Covid-19

LOCKDOWN DIVER - Diving after Covid-19

The coast is getting clearer and we’re all starting to gear back up again to go diving! WOOOO!

However, have you made any thoughts about diving post-covid-19? Whether you have had the virus yourself or not, or whether anyone you know has had it, it’s still worth reading up about it and considering a few aspects of the ‘situation.’ With many dive operations opening again (whether that be a boat, school or dive centre) you might find yourself wondering whether you are safe or not?
Well, whatever the facts and figures show and whatever the current government guideline(s), that is your sole decision to make. It is up to you whether you feel safe enough in certain situations and/or environments, so it is important to do your own research from trusted, reliable sources to make your decision.

We’ve been making our own preparations in our school and putting certain things in place in our dive centre to ensure not only your safety but our safety. When visiting our centre and attending our training sessions please ensure that you abide by the rules that have been set out:

Our Dive Centre:

  • We have purchased several dispensers of hand sanitiser that are located around the shop for you to use. Please use this before and after touching any products or surfaces.
  • We have provided anti-bacterial/disinfecting wipes by our masks so that you can wipe the masks before and after trying these on.
  • Please respect the social distancing rule, use our new fins on the floor as a guide.
  • While we’d love to encourage you to purchase items, we’d also like you to refrain from touching items that you won’t necessarily be purchasing.
  • On sunny days our chairs will be placed outside (at reasonable distances apart) so people can sit and enjoy the weather while still being acceptably sociable.
  • Our cylinder fill dunk tank has a bio-friendly disinfectant in it. So, any cylinders being filled will be disinfected at the same time. The water is changed regularly.
  • The area around the compressor is marked off as “no entry” – please don’t enter this space.
  • The hot drink area is still available but with eco-friendly disposable cups and stirrers for you to use and anti-bacterial wipes available for you to wipe down any surfaces. Unfortunately, we won’t be supplying biscuits at the moment (this, coincidently assists us with our diets too!!).
  • We are not allowing access to our workshop for any visitors.
  • Our technicians are wearing gloves during their servicing routines and changing these for every item being serviced. Finished items are all leak tested in a bio-friendly disinfectant bath, hung to dry and stored in a clean, sealed plastic container
  • All commonly used surfaces are wiped down regularly throughout the day.


  • All of our school kits has been disinfected and is ready for student use.
  • As we always have done, we will continue to disinfect masks, snorkels and mouthpieces after every single use.
  • If you wish to purchase your own mouthpiece to use on the regs when in use this can be arranged – have a chat with us before attending your training session.
  • After every use, all school equipment (BCDs/Wings/Cylinders etc) will be dunked in the disinfectant tank and left for a couple of days.
  • We will encourage all students to use their own equipment on courses where possible.
  • It is mandatory that you wear your own mask, snorkel and boots for any course you are on. With the exception of any Discover Scuba Diving participants.
  • Our classes will be kept to a small minimum number (not yet confirmed), but we will still ensure we have enough staff available for your safety.
  • Social distancing will still be adhered to in every way possible for those not living in the same households.
  • Risk assessments are currently being created for all sites that we are planning on using for training – if you would like to read these please contact us, a copy will be available to read at your training session.
  • We are currently working very closely with our training sites to help provide a safe environment for you to learn in. All parties will be following strict government guidelines.
  • Where possible we will encourage all students to use their own kit.

We request that all divers adhere to any guidelines whilst visiting our centre or attending our sessions – please read the information on the centre door before entering and we kindly ask that you do not visit the shop or attend any training sessions if the following applies:

  • If you are currently experiencing any covid-19 symptoms
  • If you have had covid-19 within the last 14 days and have chosen not to isolate
  • If you have been in contact with someone who is experiencing symptoms or has had covid-19 within the last 14 days.

Our of our team members have been briefed on the ‘new norm’ for a safe return to teaching how to dive. We’ve been busy taking online First Aid courses, including ‘Airbourne Pathogens’ and have attended some PADI online webinars around the subject.

All of our team members have completed the below course which is available to anyone for FREE. Although it is aimed at staying safe in the workplace, there is still some valuable information in there for anyone who would like to learn a bit more about the virus and how you can stay safe. We highly recommend it

We have found some reliable resources for you to read and watch surrounding the Covid-19 and returning safely to scuba diving.

The Divers Alert Network (DAN) have a great range of articles and you don’t need to be a member to access them!


If you are qualified to give CPR this is a useful article regarding how to provide treatment, recommending safe steps to go ahead.


Dive Magazine have an interesting article, with an article within that written by a German doctor that has experienced treatment on the front line.


The World Health Organisation have issues for great tips on how to protect yourself and help prevent the spread of the virus


Check out this map that PADI are regularly updating regarding the current status of diving all around the world. We know it’s not the best time to be booking holidays, but if you are considering it then this may help.


They have also created a handy page of diving and travel safety tips to consider



Don't forget to support your local shop.
2020 has been the most important time, more than ever, to support your local dive centre, but in times like this it has highlighted how important it is to do so regularly - not just during a time of crisis.

We've had a fantastic first week back to diving since we opened our doors again after closing them almost 3 months ago! It's been great to see you all - old and new - and we are really looking forward to continuing our friendships with you all in the future.

Lets stick together!

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*Book your gear in for a service with us
* Click here to view PADI Travel holidays
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* Click here to view our online courses to complete from home
 We can now also order books too, so have a browse at our other courses available.
 Join our dive club!

We wish you a safe and happy return to diving.
If you have any concerns or questions give us a call and we will do our best to assist.

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